Bryce Birth Announcement

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PitaPata - Personal picturePitaPata Dog tickers

Renewal of Vows in Las Vegas, Nevada

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Doug and Brandi Married April 18, 2008

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Newest Memeber to Join The Family

Please Welcome my new cousin born to the parents of Kristi and Jarred Doolittle

Lucas Edward Doolittle
8lbs 12oz 21in
Born at 5:30 am on Dec 18, 2012


Monday, December 17, 2012

My Heart Aches For These Families!

On Tuesday, December 18th, there will be a blogger day of silence. 
I also saw this poem on another Blog I follow and thought it was beautiful so I had to share it.

Twas' 11 days before Christmas, around 9:38

when 20 beautiful children stormed through heaven's gate.

their smiles were contagious, their laughter filled the air.

they could hardly believe all the beauty they saw there.

they were filled with such joy, they didn't know what to say.

they remembered nothing of what had happened earlier that

"where are we?" asked a little girl, as quiet as a mouse.

"this is heaven." declared a small boy. "we're spending Christmas at God's house."

when what to their wondering eyes did appear,

but Jesus, their savior, the children gathered near.

He looked at them and smiled, and they smiled just the same.

then He opened His arms and He called them by name.

and in that moment was joy, that only heaven can bring

those children all flew into the arms of their King

and as they lingered in the warmth of His embrace,

one small girl turned and looked at Jesus' face.

and as if He could read all the questions she had

He gently whispered to her, "I'll take care of mom and dad."

then He looked down on earth, the world far below

He saw all of the hurt, the sorrow, and woe

then He closed His eyes and He outstretched His hand,

"Let My power and presence re-enter this land!"

"may this country be delivered from the hands of fools"

"I'm taking back my nation. I'm taking back my schools!"

then He and the children stood up without a sound.

"come now my children, let me show you around."

excitement filled the space, some skipped and some ran.

all displaying enthusiasm that only a small child can.

and i heard Him proclaim as He walked out of sight,

"in the midst of this darkness, I AM STILL THE LIGHT.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

My Aunt Nancy - Please Pray!

I wanted to write a blog post about someone that is important to me. That person happens to be my mom's older sister Nancy. My Aunt is a strong brave lady and that has gone through a lot these past 10 years or so. So I want to highlight her today and tell you about this special lady in my life.

Not sure if everyone knows, but cancer runs very heavy in my family. My grandma is like 1 of many not sure the exact number, I want to say 12 but out of all of her brothers and sisters there is only 1 left. Every single one of my aunts and uncles, including my grandmother all passed away from cancer. And I have had several other family members (cousins) with types of cancer.

Not sure why or how this happen to my Aunt but around 10 years or so ago she started having problems with her mouth and tongue. She knew something was not right and headed to the doctor to have it check out. The doctors came back with nothing and told her she was fine. She went to several more doctors, for more opinions. Again nothing, no answers!
Months and years go by and her pains and gut feelings never went away so her daughters best friends husband who is a doctor at the mayo clinic in Minnesota decided to take a look. My Aunt and Uncle take a drive, head to Minnesota and get another biopsy taken from her tongue. This time they get some news/results, she has tongue cancer and needs surgery to have it removed. She had cancer the whole time and all those doctors never saw it, if they would have she may not have had to go through what she is going through now. But her surgery takes place and she was cancer free for a short while before it came back and had to have surgery again and again. She has had I believe 10+ surgeries now.

Here we are now and my Aunt who loves to talk has some of her tongue gone and can still talk but is sometimes hard to understand, running her cake business and being a successful business woman that is loved by so many.

Years go by and recently she had to have a tooth removed. While they were in there they found cancer again and removed it. This time while in there they broke her jaw and never knew it. Months go by and she is having a hard time eating, talking etc and thinks I cant possibly still be having problems with this tooth and heads back to the doctors where they discover that her jaw bone was broke and it died and now needs surgery to replace the dead bone.

This is were we are today. On 12-11-12 my Aunt went in for a 14 hour surgery. While in there to replace her jaw they found more cancer and hopefully removed it all. Removed the dead and broken jaw bone and placed a plate and a new bone from her leg into the jaw and one in her tongue. They also reconnected nerves and arteries in her tongue. She is now in the hospital, highly sedated to reduce injury to the jaw and help her heel. She is on a trach and feeding tube until the send her home in about a week.

If this is not one strong lady that has been through alot, then I don't know what strong is!

Fell better soon Nana! Love you and hopefully this is the end of it all.


Normally days like this are not that important to me, but this day was. You see my husband is a bowler, used to be a Professional Bowler but retired from that. Every year on dates like this one he tends to bowl good, I know you are saying its all in our heads but its true. on 8-8-88 he bowled a 300/800 and on 7-7-07 he bowled a 300/800 and now last night before we left for bowling league Doug told his parents, sister and I he was going to shoot 300/800.
Well as I was finishing up my second game I look over and Doug has the from 11 strikes. I stand up to get a better look and bam Doug shoots 300. I run down there as everyone is congratulating him and give him a kiss and tell him great job. After realizing it was his second game I had to see what the first game was and he shot a 267 that game so all he needed now for a 800 is 233, that's easy enough.  I head back down to my pair and now I am pumped, Doug and I like to compete against each other and I tend to beat him more then he beats me, even though I knew I didn't stand a chance this day. But anyway so I head back down to my pair and start striking away. I shot pretty decent, finished up my bowling and headed down to see what he was doing. He finished with a 209 and fell short of his 800 but was pretty close. Now its my turn!

Another memory for the books.

Congrats Doug!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Birthday Invites

Twice The Fun Twin Birthday Invitation
Browse our selection of modern graduation announcements.
View the entire collection of cards.

These Will be in the Mail very Soon!

The Buehrer Family Christmats Card 2012

OK So every year I post our Family Christmas Cards and usually we order them from Shutterfly.
But this years Christmas Cards we purchased from Portrait Innovations since we was there buying pictures anyway and I have to say I love them.

For all my Blog Friends out there that I don't send a Christmas Card to
Merry Christmas And Happy New Year from our Family To Yours!

Doug, Brandi, Bryce and Lilly

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Updates on the Twins

Bryce only says Mom and Momma. More like momm momm momma. He is a big time Mommy's Boy

Lilly says da da da da all day long and screams Mom when she is mad. She is a daddy's Girl!

Bryce started crawling about a month ago, at first he just couldn't figure it out and would get so mad that he would scream. So his way around was to roll, sit up, get on hands and knees and try it again. Nope didn't work so he would roll, sit up and do this over and over again till he got where he wanted to be.
Now this kid is everywhere and boy is he fast. Now the little booger, crawls to the couch and stands up, or stands up on a toy or whoever he see first.

Lilly- of course being behind 3 to 4 months still doesn't even attempt it she is just now sitting up on her own. But you can see she is aggravated that she cant play with or get to toys like Bryce can.

Lilly is now getting home therapy once a week for a hour each week. She has learned so much in the last 2 months and will be caught up with her brother in no time.

Both kids eat just about anything that we eat, except Bryce's gag reflex is terrible so we stick with the bottles and baby jar foods as much as possible. Lilly on the other hand, this girl can eat anything and everything and loves it all. And for the first time yesterday they learned to drink from a straw!

So far this year neither one of my kids have gotten sick, not even a little cold. The worst thing that has happen is them teething. Bryce hates it and wakes up from a sleep from it and whines all day long. I have given that kid more Tylenol then I even give myself. Lilly doesn't even seem to mind it and hasn't made one peep about it. Bryce has 6 teeth now, 4 on top 2 on bottom he got the bottom 2 first. Lilly only has one on the bottom.

At their last check up, Bryce weighed 24.5 lbs and Lilly was 14 lbs. Next stats will be for the 1 year birthday!

This Weekend's Plans

We have a busy weekend ahead of us.

Let me say first off I am running out of time getting all the kids presents wrapped so I guess I will start on the wrapping tonight.

Friday after work its time to hurry home and get ready to head over to the country club were Doug's company is having their employee Christmas Party.

Doug and I went to this last year for the first time ever (I was 7 months pregnant) and he has been with the company for over 10 years now. We never went in the past because they usually have it during deer season and god for bid Doug wont miss deer season for anything.
I am looking forward to this, the food was delicious and everyone is so nice.
I have a feeling the babies pictures will be out because everyone will want to see them.

Saturday Morning Doug, Sue, Mom, Dad and the kids and I are all taking a small road trip to Springfield, IL for some shopping time. Apparently there is a big mall out there, and a place called Shields which I was told is better and cheaper then Bass Pro Shop and Cabela's. We will See!
Oh and we are having lunch at a place called Quaker Steak and Lube, we heard they have awesome wings and food.
I have plans after we get home to wrap more presents, but I'm sure we will be wore out.
Again we will see!

Sunday morning will be breakfast day. Wrap presents and relax till that evening and then its off to Aunt Em's (or what she likes to call Great Gram to the twins) for dinner and tree decorating time. Every year its a tradition for all the kids to come over and put an ornament on the tree. This year we  added 6 new kids to the family so 6 new ornaments that will be added to the tree.
We bought for Bryce a Happy Feet 2 ornament since the kid is addicted to the movie and watches it  at least 2 times a day. And we got Lilly a Minnie Mouse playing with a puppy as Lilly likes to do with Tanner!

So that's my busy weekend! I hope everyone else has a great weekend!
Oh yeah I am hoping to take pics from these weekends plans to post for Mondays Blog Post.

Lilly Got Her Ears Pierced

So while we was in Branson we hit the outlets malls up. One of the shops there happens to be a Claire's and for a while now I have been begging Doug to get Lilly's ears pierced. For one I think they look pretty and two I rather get them done now while she cant take them out or wont really mess with them. So Doug said OK lets do it. I was so freaking nervous but between Doug and I holding her still she did great and only cried for 5 to 10 minutes. But I was shocked about one thing, the price it cost to pierce ears. For one the sign says free ears piercing, thank god because the earrings cost $50. Wow that's a big chunk to take out of the bank. But she is worth it!

Thanksgiving 2012 / Black Friday 2012

This year was low key, we had lunch at Doug's parents at what was supposed to be 12 but Doug and I was cooking all day so we didn't eat till 1:30. After we was done I headed home to finish getting ready and Doug napped. Around 3:30 we headed to my family's house and stayed there till 8 or so when Bryce got super crabby and wanted his bed. After everyone was in bed I looked at the Black Friday sale ads and headed out to shop. I was out till 5:30 am when I came home and crashed. around 2:30 pm I woke up not knowing the time and Doug had the Christmas tree up and the kids fed and playing. Again he gets the Husband of the Year Award for that. While I was shopping I fought no lines except Old Navy and that was a 2 hour long wait to check out (but so worth the price on the jeans) and got everything I went for.

Saturday after the kids went down for a nap Doug and I put the lights up outside and then relaxed the rest of the weekend.

Oh and here is the tree and fireplace all finished.

Halloween 2012

So this year Halloween fell on a Wednesday and we bowl. Doug's team prebowled but mine didn't so Doug brought the kids up for everyone to see. I didn't dress them up this year as they wasn't going to trick or treat. But I did put them in cute outfits, that I didn't get pictures off. I do have pics of them in other outfits I put on them that week.

Before I decided that I wasn't going to dress them up I  did have costumes for them and this is what they was going to be:

Aunt Sue had Build a bears made for them and got these masks.

Daddy and I carved them their first pumpkins.
Lilly is the kitty and of course Bryce the Monkey!

Cant wait to see what I put them in next year.

World Series 2012 - 12 in 12

Well the Kids, Doug and I were rooting on the Cards to make it to the World Series again this year, but no luck this year. Here is some cuteness of the kids in their Cards gear!

Christmas Pictures 2012