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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hello June

Its that time again time to see whats going on for the month:

Well June 3rd was going to be my new appointment to see a new fertility Doctor Dr. Ahlering but I had to cancel it and I ended up staying with my Doctor I have now until he retires on August 31st Then I will start seeing Dr. Ahlering. Why you ask? Well we already had stuffed planned and decided to finish what I had already started.

June 4th- I will be having my surgery for fertility. Dr. Wilbois is going to go in and repair my right tube that is blocked, scrap away and remove as much as he can of any endometreosis I may have and examine and repair anything else he may find. After he does all this for my next cycle we can start IUI process.

The 14th is Flag Day, this year we don't have a Flag to display in the front yard because a storm we had last year broke the steel pole the flag used to hang on right in half. But if you look around up and down the side streets everywhere you will see the American Flag.

June 20th is not a special day to me as I didn't have a father growing up and after trying he still hasn't been much of a father but this day is special to alot of other men out there and one day will be special for Doug to. This day happens to be Fathers Day.

And Finally June 21st begins the first day of Summer and so far these last few months when it is normally warm and sunny hasn't been at all. Its actually been cold and rainy. So lets hope with is being the First Day of Summer we have warm sunny weather, because its Float Trip time.

1 comment:

trappfamilyoffive said...

Love the comic :) Ha! Ha!