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Doug and Brandi Married April 18, 2008

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Monday, November 28, 2011

Blakes 1st Birthday!

Well my little Buddy Blakers (my Cousin, who's like a nephew to me) had his 1st Birthday a few weeks ago. This turned out to be a great day, beautiful weather and lots of family and friends.

Here is a few pics of him eating a piece of cake for the first time

This was his cake his Grandma Nancy with Artistry on Cakes made him.

This is a dummy cake but its also being used at my shower in 2 weeks since I am going with the same theme but with a few changes of course.

And yes we did have real cake to eat, notice the cupcakes underneath it.

Also something I need to add so we can always remember it, but his Aunt Summer got a little messy herself.

At one point Blake dropped some cake on the floor and she bent over to pick up up, bad idea Blake decided to grab her hair with his messy caked up icing hands. It was one of the funniest things ever, even Blake laughed his head off.

Here is the pic of him laughing about it after he did it!

Haloween 2011

I know I am sorry I am super late getting this up, I actually forgot to even post about it. So I will post a short Halloween story!

For Halloween this year since I am 5 months pregnant we decided I would go as pregnant nun and Doug went as a perverted old man.

We didnt do a whole lot but we did go to 2 parties for a short time. Here I am right before we left, sorry no pics of Doug. Not sure why.

Thanksgiving 2011

This is our last year as just Doug and I as next year the Twins will be here with us and we will become a family of 4.

But for this Thanksgiving we had a very busy and productive one.

Wednesday after work Doug and I headed to Sherwin Williams close to us and bought the paint and accessories for the nursery so we could get started on the room Then later that night I had to bowl league, Doug went with me like he always does. I actually bowled well for once and it started off as a good time.

Thursday morning Doug let me sleep in so he got up with Tanner (Dog) and let him out to go potty and then decided to start painting the room. I was woken up around 9 to him standing outside with no shirt on spraying the paint roller out with the hose. I was thinking are you nuts! But I immediately ran to the nursery to take a peek and Wow! The room was done and looked awesome.

After he was finished we showered and headed next door to the parents house for Thanksgiving lunch. Then we left and headed to my family's house for Thanksgiving dinner. I forgot to post my last Doctors appointment ultrasound, I will do that next with the few other posts that I need to add but at my last appointment I only gained another 3 pounds and the Doc was not happy so he told me to eat double to triple this weekend. I think I for sure did that and more. But guess what I weighed myself yesterday and didn't gain a pound but my sickness is back and that's not helping.

After we was all done eating we had Little Franklin's birthday he was born on the 25th. He opened presents and had cake.

Doug and I decided to leave as we was going to Toys R Us to start our shopping for the weekend. Toys R Us opened at 9 that night and we wanted to get a few toys for the kids to put away for their first Christmas next year, we are making it a big one. We get there about 8:50 and the line yeah wrapped around the building and almost to bed bath and beyond so we decided we would wait till the line moved. Finally it started moving so we headed that way to get in line we was parked a mile away. As we was headed that way a lady stopped us and says they are only letting 50 peps in at a time and you can order anything from the add online at that cost. So we said screw it lets go home get warm and order it all. Home we went to pick up Mom and Sue and head to the next stop Walmart.

When we got there they was already open, they opened at 10 and it was a mad house in there. But we shopped for about and hour and got everything we wanted. Finally time for home so we could get a nap in and head to shop more at 5 am.

Ringer goes off at 4:45 and we get up, pick Mom and Sue up and head to Babies R Us for the Baby furniture. This turned into a bid disaster several times so we said Screw it and lets go to Burlington. We wasn't there 20 Min's and purchased all the baby furniture. But we had one problem the truck was not big enough to hold it so we headed back home to get the trailer and back to the store to load it all up and head back home to unload so we could go back to Fairview for more shopping and lunch. This mad for a long day.

Finally after all the shopping this momma to be was wore out an headed home to go to bed. And when I say to bed I mean I slept 18 hours ( No Joke)!

Saturday morning I got up and did a few errands with my Mom while Doug put the cribs together.

Mom and I also went to the largest Craft Fair I have ever been to.

After we was all done I headed home and Wow! again the room was done except for decorations of course and I loved it. Pic of this to come on another post. Then the rest of the day was a lazy one for Doug and I loaded all the drawers with clothes and baby accessories. Now we just have to wait for all the shower items and items we purchase to add to the room. I cant wait for the final look.

Then I was also going to put up my tree and Christmas decorations but decided against that for 2 reasons. 1 the tree cant go up because we are getting hardwood floors put down in the next few weeks and the tree would be in the way, so there went that idea. And 2 for the decorations Doug brought up that when Christmas is over I will be over 8 months pregnant, close to possible bed rest and I am not going to want to put it all away so we decided to wait and put it all up next year for a big shindig for the twins for Christmas.

Now Yesterday I figured it was going to be a lazy day at home preparing to come back to work today but no of course not. Doug and I ran and did a little shopping at: target, Kohl's, walmart and Burlington. Then we headed over to the cousins house to make lumpia (Philippines food) and enjoy some family time. We left around 8 or so.

After we got home I got so sick and ended up getting sick and going to bed. Now here I am at work.

I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!

I thought about making a list of all I have to be thankful for this year. Somehow, it all revolves around my 2 men and my little lady.
A phenomenal husband who I am crazy in love with, and my two little ones Bryce and Lillyana who’s been cooking in my belly for 26 weeks. My heart is full, as my plate was all weekend!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

6 Month Ulstrasound and Doctors Appointment

So yesterday I had my 6 month well 25 week ultrasound and Doctors appointment. I got to the office early because for some reason this time I was really anxious to see how everything was. And had to wait a while before getting in and I think I peed 3 times before seeing the ultrasound tech and then when it was my turn I had to go again but waited till she was done.
She starting with Baby A- Lillyana on the right and she decided to turn around and we didn't get to see her face but she was curled up really tight and had her knees in her face. Can you say running out of room in there. But she did get all the measurements she needed and found out she was 1 pound 7 ounces about 24 weeks 5 days along and had long legs. She must be getting those from me because Doug has very short legs.
Then she switched over to Baby B- Bryce and got a small profile of his face and then his measurements and he was measuring 1 pound 8 ounces 24 weeks 6 days along with long legs also. So they are very close to being on time.
After I was finished I got to see and talk to Dr. Shaner. He opens the door, peeks in and says are you eating? Yes sir I say, he said you have only gained another 2 pounds what is going on? But then says but the babies are growing so that's good. Just do me a favor and eat double to triple this Thanksgiving dinner. OK I will see what I can do before getting sick and it all coming back up.
We go through any problems I have been having and one was the pain I had last Friday were I thought I had the Flu and chest pains and he said it was the babies lifting up my ribs to make room. Thanks can we say OUCH!
Then I told him about the pains were I feel like sometimes I'm crampy and feel like I am going to start my period and he said no worries its just Contractions and if they stay awhile then call other than that I am fine and will continue till I deliver in 3 months.
He proceeds to measure me and I am way ahead of schedule, measuring at 28 weeks.
Then he goes over whats next and that from here on out I need to be seen every 2 weeks until Jan and then weekly.
I get all the hospital info I need, including birthing and breastfeeding classes and my glucose testing paperwork and head out to make all my appointments for the remaining of my pregnancy.
It appears my next appointment is Nov 30th. It will be an all day thing of glucose testing that morning and then to see Dr. Shaner for Cervix check etc.
It wont be long now with all the holidays and being busy the twins will be here and we wont even realize its that time.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

6 Months Pregnant

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 24 Weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 10 Pounds

Maternity Clothes: Everything, besides the days I am lazy and just wear really baggy t shirts or stretchy pants.

Gender: 1 Boy- Bryce Connor and 1 Girl- Lillyana Kay

Movement: Tons, especially if I am trying to nap or about 30 mins or so after I eat. But it seems everytime I go to let Doug feel they stop. Hes getting so frustrated.

What I miss: Being able to sleep through the night and not having to get up to go the the bathroom. These babies have been sitting on my bladder for months now.

Cravings: Depends on the day. But recently its been onion rings, clementines, jello occasionally ice cream.

Best Moment last month: Finally getting to fell the babies kick. And finally starting to really show.

Monday, November 7, 2011

What a Busy Weekend!

So on Friday night we usually go out and do something together as a couple, but this Friday we decided to stay home and just relax and get the house cleaned for the Fish Fry Party we was having the next day.
So I got home from work and there was the hubby placing wood on our front stairs, apparently Doug fell through them and knew we had people coming over so decided to screw down some wood. It actually looks so nice. Eventually these stairs are going to the front of the house because those stairs are completely falling in and we decided we want a large deck for the side door we always go in.
Anyway after he was finished he did a few other outside side jobs added rock the the road and under the new stairs in the driveway etc. Then came in and we ordered some Pizza hut for dinner and sat down to eat. We was going to relax and watch some TV then get to cleaning but I was so exhausted from being up late Thursday night that I crashed by 8. Around 1 am I woke up to the nascar race on that he started to watch were he taped it and him sound asleep snoring away. I woke him up and away to bed we went.
I set my alarm for 7 to get up early to clean and be ready by 9 to go to the craft fair. I got up when I said I was, cleaned the house completely and took a shower. My mom arrived around 8:30 and we headed to the craft fair. This was a small one so we wasn't there long and headed home to set up for the party. By 12 or so everything was ready to go and everyone started to arrive with the side dishes
All night we had people in and out and I am pretty sure this year we had more people there then we ever had. I think around 80 or so showed up. Doug and Me's best friend from the Chicago area even showed up and surprised us. Thank For coming Big Bobby we love and miss You! Thank You to everyone else that came, The Fish Fry was a success even though it was windy and somewhat chilly.
Later in the night the kids all played and the adults sat around the bon fire and chatted till late. It was a great time.
Now yesterday was a day of waking up cleaning house again from the party before and then doing absolutely nothing. Doug did make some breakfast while I cleaned the playroom, where I am glad I had all those toys because the kids had a good time. After breakfast and watching some TV momma got hungry so daddy ran for some Penn Station. Momma ate and took a nap while Daddy watch the Nascar race. I got up right about the time Aunt Shirl was to come over to play cards but she changed her mind she was also to tired. So then Doug and I was like great what we gonna do now so we played cards with each other for a while.
After we was finished it still was only 6 from the time change so we decided to make some dinner and watch a movie on demand, of course there was nothing on, so we watch the Hangover since we still have never seen it. This was a great movie and now I cant wait to watch the second one. After the movie Bed time here we come.
So now here we are and its Monday and we start all over again, even though I am going to dread this weekend because my Hubby will be gone for deer season for 2 weeks. I hate when hes gone but he loves to go so I cant deny him going. I think I might get some of my Christmas shopping done while hes gone.