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Monday, November 28, 2011

Blakes 1st Birthday!

Well my little Buddy Blakers (my Cousin, who's like a nephew to me) had his 1st Birthday a few weeks ago. This turned out to be a great day, beautiful weather and lots of family and friends.

Here is a few pics of him eating a piece of cake for the first time

This was his cake his Grandma Nancy with Artistry on Cakes made him.

This is a dummy cake but its also being used at my shower in 2 weeks since I am going with the same theme but with a few changes of course.

And yes we did have real cake to eat, notice the cupcakes underneath it.

Also something I need to add so we can always remember it, but his Aunt Summer got a little messy herself.

At one point Blake dropped some cake on the floor and she bent over to pick up up, bad idea Blake decided to grab her hair with his messy caked up icing hands. It was one of the funniest things ever, even Blake laughed his head off.

Here is the pic of him laughing about it after he did it!

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