Bryce Birth Announcement

Lilly Birth announcement

Happy Birthday Tanner

PitaPata - Personal picturePitaPata Dog tickers

Renewal of Vows in Las Vegas, Nevada

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Doug and Brandi Married April 18, 2008

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Tumor Removal

So I know I have not posted on here in a very long time, but I wanted to let everyone know about my tumor removal process and what a journey I have been on. 

Let's start off with I had been having pain for 4 or so years now on and off. 

In January I got the pain so bad In my neck and arm that it bed ridden me and I had to call my primary doctor again and he finally refers me to pain management.

There that doctor evaluates me and thinks it's finally time to order a MRI. I think finally it's about time. Been trying to get you doctors to listen to me and order this darn thing. 

I go in the same day for my MRI. 

Within 2 days my primary doctor calls me back and asks if I would come Into the office he would like to speak to me face to face right away. Instantly I panic and think I have cancer. 

Well my thinking was right. I was told I have a very large tumor growing on my spine in a very dangerous spot and it had to be removed right away or could paralyze me or more kill me. But He would call the best neurosurgeon around and get me in right away. 

I was called by a neuro at Wash U the very next day and a appointment was set for me to be seen. 

I met Dr Ray. and his assistant Ellen and went over what needed to be done. He proceeds to tell me that the surgery will be within a few weeks. He has two options go in and try to remove it all or he can't remove it, will close me up and  I will have to do chemo and radiation. If he does remove it he will then put hardware in to keep my neck straight and not leaning forward as this tends to happen in patients that have this surgery. 

I go in 2 weeks later and have my surgery. Dr. Ray gets all the tumor and puts my hardware in. I go home a week later to recoup. 

6 weeks later I go in for my check up and I am in pain. X-rays and MRI later and I learn that my hardware has pulled out and I need another surgery to fix it. 

I spend another week in the hospital and I go home to recoup again

In the meantime I loose feeling on my left side especially my hand. All came back but my hand and now he thinks it never will. I deal with this pain everyday for the rest of my life. 

I am Finally getting better until  this past week. I'm still having neck pain and he thinks that I shouldn't be so he sent me in for a myleogram on Friday. I go home the same day. By Saturday night I have a headache so bad and have to go home to bed. Sunday I try again and by noon I'm sick puking up my food and have a terrible headache. So I call the on call neuro radiologist and he tells me I need a blood patch that I have a spinal fluid leak from my procedure. Well I went yesterday and had it done. That didn't go so well, I had a teaching student that couldn't get the job done and had to pull out and the doctor had to take over and start all over again. And let me say this test hurt, I thought my head was going to explode and my back hurt so bad. When all was done I go home to relax again with a very sore back that still hurts today. 

But Dr. Ray called me and tells me he saw what happen and he is so sorry. He is also sorry that I had to hit every bump in the road for this surgery. But the best part was there Is no more bumps to hit. 

So I hope now I can hopefully get rid of my pain With time and be me again. 

Oh yeah and if you are wondering, they are not sure what kind of tumor I had and are studying it with a group of doctors. All  I know is I am 1 in 15 to ever have this tumor and it has abnormal cells within the tumor itself. The doctor also said that I have probably have had this for years say 4 or so now and it has just been growing over time to the point it was finally pushing enough to cause me all the pain. 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Coming Soon!

Im guessing when you saw my title of this post you was thinking that Baby Buehrer #3 was coming soon, but nope you was wrong.

We decided to start Elf on the Shelf this year, so starting the day after Thanksgiving Nov 28th through Christmas Even (27 days worth) we will be posting each day pictures of what are little Elfie will be up to.

Also I know I have been neglecting this blog, mainly because I just post everything on Facebook. But I will try my best to get back to my blog page too!



Monday, October 14, 2013

Super Behind.

So I have been a very bad blogger and have not blogged in months. But that is all about to change and I am going to get back into the blogging scene. Since I am behind I am going to just add tons of pics and write captions for all of them.

Bryce Sick and in the Hospital

Bryce Feeling Better and Ready to Go Home

Lilly Licking her Toes

My Cousins On Their Last Day Here in Illinois.
But I am now Happy To Report They Have Already Moved Back Home.
Lilly in here new vintage Car Daddy won for her.
Lilly enjoying pretzels with her Daddy
Lilly crawled in her highchair by herself and then got stuck.
Me 6th grade. My teacher found this and sent it to me.
Look at the permed short hair. What was my mother and I thinking.
Bryce and Lilly playing with their water table the Toth's got them for their birthday.
They loved it!

Bryce first haircut, cut by Johnny!

No more curls
Happy boy after his haircut.
Dinner at Steak and Shake
Happy to announce my cousin is having another baby!
Hopefully a girl!

My handsome man!
Bryce's first Cardinals Baseball game
I found Lilly sleeping
Bryce Chilling in Daddy's Chair

Bryce fell asleep in Daddy's chair

Lily at the Baldnobbers show 2nd year
Bryce at the Baldnobbers Show "Being Shy" 2nd year
Lilly looking cute before the baldnobbers Show.
Bryce didn't want us to leave again. But what he didn't know I was actually unpacking from the Branson Trip
Lilly Sleeping. I keeping finding her in stranger places.
Bryce Sleeping in the Target cart.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend

So our Memorial Day Weekend didn't exactly go as planned.

Friday night I went out with the girls (a much needed girls night it had been over a year since this has happen) Amanda met at my house around 5 met the kids that she had not seen yet and they are 16 months old, that's how long its been. We got ready around 6 and then headed out the door around 645 to be at Zappatas for dinner at 7.

Amy and Ken met us there around 730. By then Amanda and I already finished half of our first Margarita. We enjoyed our dinner and then headed over to Wild Country.

The night was going good, we was dancing and drinking. Then the shots started flowing and after a few to many everyone was getting hungry again so around 230 am we decided lets go to Denny's. As we was leaving somehow Amy missed the concrete step as she was stepping down and she fell, but when she did her chin hit the step and she busted it open. I immediately put pressure to it and just knew it needed stitches so her and Ken went to the hospital and the next thing I know Amanda left with some guy she met at WC so I went home alone.

The plan was that all 3 of them was going to stay at my house but its a good thing they didn't. I got home around 3 am and fell right asleep.

Around 330 am Bryce woke up screaming his head off. Doug got up with him and they went at it up and down all night long till around 6 am when he woke up screaming again to the point my drunk ass heard him so I got up to check out what was going on and realized Bryce was having trouble breathing, so I thought it was best to take him to Children's Hospital and it turned out to be a great idea.
When we got there they knew right away it was serious and took him straight back to his room and put oxygen on him, his levels were in the low 80's. Then he received 3 breathing treatments over the next few hours now the levels were up to high 80's. He also was swapped for viruses and had an Xray done to check his lungs. Both of those came back negative so they were clueless on what was wrong with him. At this point, they thought it would be best to admit him.
We was admitted to the PICU put in our own room since they didn't know what Bryce had and he was put on isolation (Gowns, masks and gloves). Days go by and they monitor him, give him treatments and he was kept on oxygen. By day 2 the doctor said in order for him to go home he has to be off oxygen 24 hours, so lets take it off and monitor how he does. Before they took him off his oxygen levels were running 92-95

Bryce was doing great, a normal kid again that wanted to play and run.

That night Kristi and the family BBQ so they brought Doug and I up a plate. It was so delicious.

This whole weekend that we was in the hospital with Bryce the MIL and SIL kept Lilly and I missed her so much. Saturday our plan was to go to a graduation party but since that was not happening Lilly got to ride in the car with them to the party. I don't allow this for many reasons so to say I was a nervous wreck was a understatement. But they went to the party and made it home safe. But trust me that wont be happening again unless something like this happens again. Sorry Sue but I just don't want my kids in the car with anyone but Doug and I. I know you told Doug that you will be extra safe, and its not You I am worried about. Its the other people out there. If someone would hit you and Lilly were to get hurt and I wasn't there by her side  I would be very pissed off. So that's why I don't allow my kids in your car or anyone elses.

By Monday the doctors and nurses all conversed and did there review on him and decided that he was well enough to go home. They did never figure out what he had but they think it was a Viral bronchiotits Lung Infection and don't believe he has asthma like me.
We headed home.

When we got home we took Bryce to see grandma and grandpa and Aunt Sue. Showed mom the new instructions on Bryce and then headed home to eat and relax. We were so wore out from no sleep at the hospital (being woke up every hour) that I decided to take Tues off and then also that way I could keep and eye on Bryce for one more day.
Good thing I did cause he pediatrician wanted to see him for a follow up.
There he got a good report and his oxygen levels were back to 100%

So a 3 day weekend of BBQ and parties turned into being a weekend in the hospital.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Lordy Lordy Doug is 40!

This Man is 4o Today!

We are having a Big Birthday Celebration at the house this weekend!
Pics to Come!

We Love you,

Bryce, Lilly and Momma B.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

5 Years Ago Today!

It has been 1,826 days since Doug and I was married

Today marks Doug's and I's 5th Wedding Anniversary!

5 years sure went by fast!

In the Past 5 years we have been through alot. But the best thing that happen to us is

We tried to conceive a child and after a IVF treatment we conceived twins.

We decided this is a big year for us but we cant afford to expensive (remember we have twins) so we are going to dinner at a fancy expensive restaurant, getting a hotel room and going to the casino to have a little bit of gambling fun.

For our Anniversary gifts this year, I got a custom made wedding band to go with my wedding ring.
See my ring is made funny and has groves on the side so we could never find a band that would work with it, so we had to have a custom made ring done. Since we new it was going to be pricey Doug promised it to me for our 5 year anniversary and he stuck to his word. I love it! Now he made me a new promise that I could get one for the other side of my ring in 5 more years!

As for Doug this man has everything he needs so I have no clue what to get him so I made him a fun gift certificate to go buy anything of his choice!  Plus his birthday is next week and I already bought and made him other items. More of this to come!

Doug I love you with all my Heart ,Thank You for my two beautiful children and everything that you do for us. I am looking forward to the next 5 years with you and all the years after that.

Happy Anniversary My Love!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Just a few randoms that I had to Share

Getting ready to go to the Zoo. Lilly is not thrilled.

Getting ready to go to the Zoo. Can you tell he is excited.

Lowes Driving the Nascar Cart around. Bryce had a blast spining the wheel around.