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Monday, February 11, 2013

Weekend Update- The Flu Bug Hit the Buehrer House

OK so on Monday we had the twins 1 year check up, while there we was informed of all the new things the kids can do and have, one of them being Milk for Bryce. And they got their shots

On Tuesday night we decided to start him his milk in a sippy cup and then a milk bottle before bed. All went well and he loved it. 5 am rolls around and Bryce is up pucking all the sour milk. Great milk not so good anymore. We thought OK lets try again in a few weeks, the poor baby is miserable all day pucking, so Aunt Emily came back to help mom out and loved on Bryce to make him feel better since he wanted to be cuddled all day while Mom took care of Lilly. We picked them up after bowling and head home, all is good straight to bed they went as soon as we got home.

Thursday morning no signs of any puck. Off to grandmas they go we go to work. Just as I was about to pull in the driveway to get the kids I get a text. You have a sick pucking girl. Great not again, at this point I think nope it wasn't the milk they have a virus but I am going to call the pediatricians office because they did get shots and maybe they are having reactions to them. They call me back and say no they more then likely have a virus and keep an eye on them for wet diapers and do the BRAT diet etc. Bryce was sleeping so I left him there and took Lilly home. As soon as we leave she pukes all over over me. We go home I throw coat in the wash and lay her down. It wasn't 5 Min's and BAM I am hit with it all. I run to the bathroom and of course I have it coming out both ends.
I call Doug and he comes and gets Lilly and takes her back to his moms so I can hopefully get some sleep. He leaves and heads to his bow league. Around 7 I call him to please come home and take me to the ER its pretty bad and at this point I was so dehydrated I was puking up bile and acid.
He comes home and off we go, there they pumped me with nausea med zofran and IV's and then run tons of blood work. IT comes back with White Blood Cell Count high, doctors says he thinks I have a UTI on top of everything else and he was right so I was given a antibiotic. I also had inflammation of the stomach, gastroenteritis. and then was sent home. I go home and lay down around 11. At 1 am I am awaken with stomach pain and nausea 10 times worse then the first time and bed Doug to please take me back to the ER, again at this point I am dehydrated again. We get to the ER and this time I get a rude nurse that tells me you know when they send you home that not all your symptoms are just going to go away. I say yeah I understand that but this times its worse and I cant take it. She then tells me well I am not putting an IV in you don't need it I will just get you a pill of Zofran and get the doctor. I was pissed and almost ripped her head off ( remember I was in Pain). At the point I am screaming in pain and the doctor makes the nurse immediately put and IV and get me some morphine which they never gave me any the first time. She does plus the zofran and Fluids and 30 Min's later rolling in pain, I was given another shot of morphine. 30 more minutes and nothing and still puking. They changed the pain med and nothing I am in a ball pale and crying. One more switch and finally some relief and I drift off to sleep.
My poor husband was a trooper, running on no sleep and sitting/sleeping sitting up in a chair, while I am in a stretcher bed snoring away.
The Next thing I know I am awaken 7 am and again I am in pain and sick as a dog so I am told they are admitting me. I am wheeled up stairs to the 5th floor and sick again so they move me to my own room. I am thinking good then maybe Doug can sleep in the other bed and get some rest but they had it removed so he had no where but a chair that didn't even recline. I felt bed and told him to go home and of course he would not. He ran on coffee the whole night while I basically slept on and off in pain. I was never given anything again til finally around 1045 when they rolled in a IV poll with meds and fluids. Finally relief again, Doug was made and felt that they did nothing for me and just put me there to sleep it off.
The day goes by and all I do is sleep while being pumped with fluids and I want to go home. The Nurse practitioner comes in and tells me you drink white soda and eat Jello and keep it down you can go. Well first off now I haven't eaten since Wednesday night. I never ate anything Thursday day at work and that should have been a sign I was catching something. But I did eat since Wednesday and they whole time I was there I was NPO so now its Friday and quickly you just want to switch over and keep it all down. OK! Of course to top it off I don't drink soda and haven't in 2 almost 3 months so they soda tasted like crap and was way to sweet for me so I asked for water. The Jello was sugar free and gross.
We talk to the nurse about going home again and nothing. Around 5 the doctor on duty comes in and asked how I was and said fine feel better and I want to go home. He says he some solids, keep it down for 1 hour and you can go. Fine Doug goes and gets me some toast, this was a problem because the nurse forgot to let the kitchen know I was switched over from NPO to regular. Anyway finally I am brought my toast and its soaked in butter oh well I eat it and it was actually very good. 630 rolls around and I ask the nurse again, she said well wait to 7 when the night nurse comes on and I will have her call the doctor and get you out of here. Sounded like to me, lazy and didn't want to have to draw up discharge papers. 715 rolls around and I hit the call button and ask for the nurse now, I want to go home. 735 she walks into my room while on the phone with the doctor. Hangs up and says she wants to see you one more time and will be in 5 am tomorrow morning, can you hold off?
I say nope I don't think so, she says OK well then you can sign yourself off against medical advice. I say then go get me the damn papers. She does and we was in home in bed by 8 pm sound asleep snoring, awaking Saturday morning around 10 am to go get my babies.

Oh Yeah remember me early saying Aunt Em came over to help with Bryce, guess what she was sick Friday and Saturday with the FLU.

I am feeling much better, Bryce is off and on but not crying or sick just very cuddly. Lilly still has diarrhea but doing good herself. So hopefully but this weekend all the sickies will be gone, and I can go into a full strip down cleaning house mode. And Hopefully Doug doesn't catch any of this crap!

Oh yeah and A funny memory that I needed to share. So of course Bryce has been saying his regular words, momma, dadda. But he said his first official word. I was sitting there feeding him, as I was finishing up he smiled and said DICK. I looked at Doug and said did you hear that? He said no! He just said DICK. We got quiet and I look back at Bryce and clear as day he said it again and this time Doug heard it. We laugh and he laughs and we haven't heard it since. Not sure where he heard that word but nice first word Bryce!

1 comment:

jenn said...

ugg! no fun! hope you all get feeling better soon!