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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Cardinals Baseball Game

Me on the way to the game-Tue
Fredbird- Tue Seats behind homeplate
Florida Marlins Players working out- Wed Game
Seats behind homeplate-Tues
The Scoreboard and Arch
Doug on the way to the game-Tue
Doug "Ill Drink to that"
Doug " See what Im drinking"
Mom and Sue- Weds Game

Doug and I Wed Game

So this past week Doug and I got to go to 2 Cardinal baseball games. On Tuesday a buddy of ours Justin who works at the stadium gave us tickets behind homeplate. They were the best seats I have ever sat in. I did get to take a picture of every player that was in the lineup for the night. The cards won 3 to 2 mand it was a nice nite no rain. Then on Wednesday Doug's sister got her company tickets who were 3 rows from the field behind third base. These were also great seats, we got baseball players signatures, and our own personal indoor bar with bathrooms. Then it was also the place where FredBird and the girls came out to go out on the field to throw t-shirts. This was actually a cool thing, I was just sitting there watching the game when I felt someone tap me on my shoulder I turn around and it was FredBird so I got out my camera to take a picture but the camera died and he looked at me like what happen. But Doug saved the day and took a picture with his camera on his cell phone, FredBird sat there and posed for him.

1 comment:

jenn said...

great seats! arent games fun!!! especially when they win!