1. What are your middle names? Mine is Kay and Dougs is Joseph
2. How long have you been together? 5 Years Total been Married for 2 years this April.
3. How long did you know each other before you started dating? Not Long at all.
4. Who asked who out? Doug asked me out
5. How old are each of you? Doug is 36 and I am 28
6. Did you go to the same school? Nope
7. Are you from the same home town? Nope, He grew up In Granite City, IL and I grew up in O'fallon, IL. We met through friends.
8. Who is the smartest? DefinitelyDoug. He's such a smart man, Sometimes I just feel like a big ditz around him.
9. Who majored in what? Doug Majoried in well I can remember, but I will tell you that he dosent use his degree. And I never majored in anything. Thats the mistake I made, I never went to college.
10. Who is the most sensitive? ME! I can cry just watching a TV show.
11. Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? We went to Las Vegas together for the renewal of our vows and a bowling tournament.
12. Who has the worst temper? Me again! Especillay with the fertility drugs I take. And Doug holds everything in. But when it comes out, watch out!
13. How many children do you want? I want 3, I always tell Doug that I would like to have a set of twins. But I want to be pregnant twice.
14. Who does the cooking? We actually share the role. It depens on what is being made that night for dinner.
15. Who is more social? Doug, he cant talk to just about anybody and for no reason at all.
16. Who is the neat freak? I am, I can not stand a dirty house or things out of place.
17. Who is the most stubborn? Im not realy sure on this one.
18. Who wakes up earlier? He does, he gets up every morning with the Doug to go out potty. But it seems he cant stay in bed past 7. I could sleep all day. But that will change when we have a baby. I wont mind getting up then.
19. Where was your first date? We went to Applebees for dinner and it was his birthday that day also.
20. Who has the bigger family? Um I do. I have a large family on both sides. I have some many cousins that we have a family reunion every year and we still dont know everyones name. Plus new members are added each year.
21. Do you get flowers often? No, Doug bought me roses my first Valentines together. After I got them I told him to not buy me anymore, that they die and I would rather him buy me something that I can always cherish.
22. How do you spend the holidays? Well we spend the day times with his family and my familys at night.
23. Who is more jealous? Neither of us are really jealous anymore. But I admit I used to be a jealous freak.
24. How long did it take to get serious? We were both serious right away. I moved in a week after I met him and we talked about a family and marriage right away. We just waited 2 years.
25. Who eats more? Definitely him.Espcially when it comes to Chicken Wings, or Crab Legs.
26. What do you do for a living? I work as a Site Admin for a very large company that restores Military equipment. We have sites all over the world. Doug is a land surveyor.
27. Who does the laundry? Pretty much Doug, He started doing it because I keep the house clean and the dishes done. He hates to do dishes, so he said if I do all the he will do the laundry. But I am sure once the baby comes I will go back to doing it, cause he will get sick of seeing so much.
28. Who's better with the computer? I am for sure. I am a computer nerd you could say. I can do anything with a computer and even fix them too.
29. Who drives when you are together? Mostly him, but I do drive occasionally.
30. What is your song? We our wedding song was Brad Paisleys "When" it describes us to a tee! But when we first got together I always thought our song when we got married would be Rascall Flatts "Bless the Broken Road" it also describes us, but "When" was a better choice.
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